Welcome to Harvest Centre Fellowship
Thank you for visiting our website. Harvest Center Fellowship is a vibrant church composed of Christian families from many different walks of life, with diverse backgrounds joined together in the pursuit of inviting God’s Presence into every part of their lives. HCF church is known for its passionate worship, relevant bible based teaching, and its focus on reaching those far from God in our community.
Through the years, this ministry has become a shelter for those who are heartbroken and looking for a genuine encounter with God and His transforming power. People witness the love of God and His redeeming power in each service and in their daily lives.
No matter where you find yourself in life, you are welcome at HCF, no one is beyond the reach of God’s love. You are the Church and HCF is simply a place where the Church comes together. As a member of our congregation, you are an essential part of what God is doing in the world through Harvest Center. Welcome to the Harvest Center Fellowship Family.